Gwyndara Irish Setters is home to many outstanding Best in Show Winning Champion Irish Setters.
Established in 1973 by Leeanne and Trevor Jones, Gwyndara prides itself on a well established breeding program with its foundation being with two lovely Taraglen Irish Setters……Juturna and Plantaganet and the Plantaganet son Ch. Kelibri Carbon Copy. The introduction of American bloodlines with the breeding of American Ch. Dunholm Windsor to Ch. Gwyndara Who’s That Girl resulted in many of Gwyndara’s, and indeed Australia’s, top achievers. These bloodlines have now been exported back to the USA and to Europe and have resulted in many champions and proven producers.
For more information about us and our dogs please don’t hesitate to contact us. e-mail
Pictured below is “Cobber”
“American Ch. Gwyndara Southern Cross (Cobber) now has the distinction of being the first and only Australian Irish Setter to attain his ROM (Irish Setter Club of America Register of Merit Award for producing a minimum of 20 American Champions). We salute him on this achievement and we also salute the beautiful bitches who produced his great kids. We still see a lot of Cobber in so many of his descendants and we thank the breeders who had faith in this “boy from Oz”.